Need-to-Know Tips: How to become a successful sugar baby

If you’re at all familiar with the concept of sugar dating, then you may have noticed that all sugar babies aren’t necessarily created equally.

Some Australian sugar babies seem to effortlessly attract incredible sugar daddies that treat them just like gold, while others have to work much harder at it. What makes a good sugar baby?

Know your unique qualities, how to become a successful sugar baby in Australia

It takes more than youth and a pretty face to make someone a model sugar baby. A very successful sugar baby has her own style, her own way of spicing things up and keeping her sugar daddy hooked.

The following tips and rules are all the best Australian sugar daddies are looking for. Know the following traits that can make you a successful sugar baby.

Know your unique qualities

How to be a successful sugar baby? The secret is a simple one: You may think about what makes you? Successful sugar babies know exactly the unique value(s) they provide to their sugar daddies and they become as awesome as possible at providing that value.

Look at yourself and ask yourself if what you have is going to sell. A very successful sugar baby has her own style, her own way of spicing things up and keeping her sugar daddy hooked.

  • What are your unique qualities?
  • Why do people like to be around you?
  • What do your friends see in you?
  • What are you especially good at?
  • Are you funny?
  • A patient listener?
  • Broad-minded?
  • Introspective?
  • Outrageous and crazy fun to be around?

Whatever it is, you want to be able to determine how your unique qualities can be used to meet the needs of your ideal sugar daddy. What sells?

  • Youth - a 40 year old sugar baby is not very interesting to most men. Even a 30 year old is pushing it - why bang a 30 year old when you can bang a 20 year old?
  • Beauty - every woman is beautiful, but most won’t make it as pin up girls. If you do not meet conventional standards of beauty then the sugar daddies who contact you may be quite strange or expecting quick and dirty sex service at a very low price.
  • Low mileage - very few sugar babies are virgins, but a sugar daddy is not looking for a woman who has sex with 10 strangers for money each week. Writing a profile saying “I got fed up screwing a new guy every Friday and Saturday night for nothing so now I want to get paid for it” is not the way to go.
  • Being at least a bit interesting. A sugar baby profile that says “I suck cock like a vacuum cleaner” works well on Backpage, but a sugar daddy is probably more interested in hearing about your college major.

Once you hit that sweet spot – the place where you can gratify your sugar daddy’s needs simply by doing what you do best – you’ve just landed yourself a spot at the successful sugar baby table.

We all have our own unique way of wearing things, doing things, and saying things that suit us.

The secret is a simple one: Successful sugar babies know exactly the unique value(s) they provide to their sugar daddies and they become as awesome as possible at providing that value.

Where can you find a reliable sugar daddy?

A successful Aussie sugar baby should know how and where to find a reliable sugar daddy. Please do aware that online sugar dating website is the best and easiest way to find quality Australian sugar daddies fast. Before you join a sugar dating website, you should know that not all sugar daddy sites are not created equal.

We’ve compiled a list of the best online sugar dating sites for Australian sugar daddies and sugar babies. These websites are the best and most notable sites on the web who have the most affluent (rich), distinguished (important), and sexy (you better know what that one means) boys, pardon us, men, looking for sugar babies like you.

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!

Understand What Your Sugar Daddy Needs

A successful sugar baby requires that you think like a giver, rather than a taker. When you shift your attention to assessing what it is that a sugar daddy's needs, you will automatically be able to pick up on aspects of his character and desires. The best Australia sugar babies are, in essence, businesswomen (or men) who are able to identify a need in their sugar daddy.

Know your sugar daddy's need, how to become a successful sugar baby in Australia

This requires the ability to read between the lines (he might not even know what it is he needs) and pick up on subtle cues in his behavior and personality to gauge what he needs the most from you.

Once the need(s) have been identified, the best sugar babies can outdo themselves in staying attentive to their sugar daddies’ needs.

A good sugar baby should look good

Don’t get it twisted, you are a trophy, so how about you make the effort to look the part. Take some time to hit the gym and update your wardrobe.

Be on that old man’s mind and make him always look forward to seeing you. As a sugar baby, you are there to fulfill his sexual fantasies, and that means you need to invest in your look if you are to be successful in this kind of relationship.

You can carry out your little research from popular magazines to find the best look for you. Even better, you can ask a stylish friend for some tips. The money that he is giving you can be used to get you some new clothes and designer perfumes.

A good sugar baby never settles for less

As a smart sugar baby, you know that you won’t be in this business forever, as people get old and get replaced with younger, more attractive girls.

So, if you are to do it, do it with the best. Don t get a man who has a problem getting you an apartment or a monthly allowance.

Always carry out your research on multiple sugar daddy websites so that when you get down to it, you are making the most out of it. Just don’t forget to save extra money for the rainy days.

Common mistakes

Sometimes the sugar babbies come with a lot of drama, especially the 18-21 year old ones.

The ones I've had tend to try to bring me into the “mainstream". I had one that was 18 that wanted me to come and meet her parents…and they were 15 years younger than me!!

Sometimes they forget it's just an arrangement for us, our feelings pretty much end when our balls are drained.

Tips: How to Be a Good Australian Sugar Baby

Once you’ve established the ground rules of your Sugar Baby partnership, there’s a true opportunity to have some fun! To ensure you — and they — have a great time, here are some tips:

If you think being a Sugar Baby may be right for you, do some further research and outreach to some people who are already in the scene for real-life advice. Then – stay safe, sexy and get that allowance.

  • Be discreet: the partnership is often a secret to others in your Sugar Daddy’s life, and they usually like to keep it this way.
  • Have low — but not no — expectations: don’t put too much pressure on your Sugar Daddy to gift you a certain allowance but do expect an equal trade of services.
  • Keep records: note who you’re meeting with, where you’re meeting them, how much / what they give you as an allowance or gift, and what service is provided in return. Not only does this protect you, but it will also help you notice what provides the best return-on-investment for you so you can future-proof your Sugar Baby career.
  • Be appreciative: a large part of the mystique of being a Sugar Baby comes from being grateful. By constantly saying please and thank you, you show your Sugar Daddy how much they are appreciated, which can often lead to an even better exchange of services.
  • Check-in: as with the above gratitude, saying hello and sending a pleasant message to your Sugar Daddy to note you’re thinking of them can also be a great way to strengthen the partnership.


Sugaring is like anything else in life, every experience is unique. For most sugar relationships, there is one similar fact, the women are younger and more attractive than the men but the men have more means to provide for the dreams of the women.

A sugar daddy has more means and a sugar baby is more youthful and attractive. Both people willingly give and take what they want from the relationship.