What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia?

If you are in your 40s or 50s age range, a romantic rut. Too old for Tinder, too young to forget about dating. All your mates happily (and boringly) hitched.

All hope is not lost, however. We live in a modern world. Anything is possible. You just have to pitch yourself to the right agency. The reality of today’s modern sugar-dating landscape, however, paints a very different picture.

Australia is the country which is often called the land of milk and honey and is famed for its sun, sand and surf, as well as for having an eclectic mix of attractive women.

Migration to the country from a multitude of European, Asian and other countries over the last four or five decades has meant that many of the young women in Australia are blends of various nationalities and races, thereby producing some very attractive, exotic looking women. So Australia is one of best sugar dating place in the world.

SugarDaddyMeet.com is home to a lare percentage of Australian sugar daddies of all incomes and ages. Daddies in their 30s are even more common.

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!

What brings hundreds of thousand of men at the peak of their sexual prime to the platform. What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia? How is your life like having an Australian 'sugar baby'? We wil share some basic information about sugar daddy lifestyle and real Australian Sugar Daddies experience.

What Is an Australian Sugar Daddy?

An Australian sugar daddy is “a boyfriend who comes with financial benefits. Sugar benefactors can help to cover tuition, bills, and frequently enjoy bestowing gifts upon their partners.”

You may be wondering what sugar daddies gain from these types of arrangements. Every case is different, but for the sugar daddy, it tends to be about companionship and/or sex.

While sex isn't a compulsory component of a sugar daddy/sugar baby arrangement, more often than not, it plays a role. Sometimes there's also a mentor/mentee dynamic, wherein a daddy feels gratification for helping to guide their sugar baby through life.

How did a Austrlian man become a sugar daddy?

Sugar daddies have been around for centuries. There lies a human being with their own motivations and experiences that catapulted them into this world of transactional dating.

While in a conventional relationship, the balance of power can perilously tilt if a powerful, older man is constantly the giver and a naive, young woman always the receiver, the boundaries and expectations seem more set, even if sometimes unspoken, when it comes to sugar dating.

When you use a traditional dating app, people expect the relationship to end in marriage or kids. But as an Austrlian sugar daddy, you get to set expectations right from the start.

What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia?

Gerard*, a financier in his late 40s from Sydney’s eastern suburbs, has had four arrangements since joining the sugar dating website SugarDaddyMeet.com two years ago.

What it's like being a sugar daddy in Austral? “Mostly it’s companionship,” he says. “I enjoy spending time with beautiful ladies. But sex is very important too – it’s a culmination of it all.”

>What's it like being a sugar baby, What does it feel like to have a sugar daddy

So how does you ensure there’s no misunderstanding? “I am quite upfront – I say it’s about intimacy, I want to be with you physically as well as being intellectually compatible.”

Married with a teenage daughter, Gerard decided to become a sugar daddy to “spice up” his life. “I work really hard,” he says. “I had lunch with someone who was talking about it and it sounded like a fairytale to be honest.”

He says he isn’t proud of cheating on his wife but claims it has helped his marriage. “If you have an outlet like that on the side, it takes off the pressure when you’ve been with the same person for a long time.”

>What's it like being a sugar daddy, What does it feel like to have a sugar baby

So how does he keep his two lives separate? His family don’t know about his extra-curricular activities; as far as they know, he is working late or travelling on business. “I normally don’t tell [sugar babies] my surname unless I get to know them very well,” he explains.

“I use a private email address and I have a second phone, which I keep at work in a drawer.” And what if he is recognised while out in public with a sugar baby? He would say she was a client or that he was interviewing her for a job or internship.

I have been an Australian sugar daddy for lots of years. I had several sugar babies in Australia. Generally, most Australian sugar babies are fun-seeking and open to try new things and explore. Almost always down for a drink and to party in some form or another.

Very chill and not clingy, but simultaneously not very good at communicating and being punctual. How much does a sugar baby cost in Australia? Allowance is that of standard MCOL US cities.

What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia? Great cultural insights here. Here’s my contribution: There's nothing particularly different about sugaring in Australia than to the rest of the world. The only thing off the top of my head is, we don't have Cashapp/Venmo, nor an alternative app, so cash is king.

The three major cities - Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane (as well as the Gold Coast) are the best places to sugar. Anywhere else and it'd be pretty dead or your choices would be quite limited.

What it's like to have an Australian sugar baby? I have plentiful sugar babies in the past 3 years. Screening is the key to success. Age around 40 and above is not going to make much of a difference. Wealth is though, you need a nice car and a nice pad.

You will find your type and hit it off. Was at the Porsche dealer, and there is an aqua blue 911. I would not be caught dead driving one but someone will buy it. Just takes time to find what you are looking for.

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!


Being a Sugar Baby has many perks, but it also has its fair share of challenges. If you strive to be the ideal Sugar Baby, the above tips that can help you find success.

Know what you want in the first place and find someone who also knows what they want. Make sure that you agree with each other’s preferences before you take the next step.