What does a sugar daddy expect from a sugar baby

Sugar dating has gained a significant boost over the years thanks to the growing number of Australia sugar babies in search of better opportunities. Sugar dating is an amazing concept wherein a wealthy man offers financial assistance to a beautiful girl in exchange for companionship. What do sugar daddies gain from a sugar relationship?

What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia? But how exactly does it work? What do sugar daddies gain from a sugar relationship?

Have a partner to share his feeling

A lot of wealthy men get into a sugar relationship to fight off loneliness. Given the fact that they’re afraid of getting into a conventional relationship, they seek the company of a sugar baby, for she wouldn’t expect him to make any commitments. Sugar babies make for a great friend, which means you always have someone to share your feelings with. Although you’d still have to pay money for her companionship, you at least have one person to speak with. Proud of the new deal you’ve cracked and wish to celebrate? You now have a gorgeous sugar baby to celebrate with.

A companion to hang out with:

Wealthy men often complain of having to go alone shopping or movies. When they get into a relationship with a sugar baby, they have someone to hang out with. However, don’t expect your sugar baby to always be available for you. It would be better to tell her about your plan in advance so she can make out time for you. This is why sugar daddies take their partners on vacations to exotic locations. Indeed, it brings a sense of hope in their lives.

Happiness and contentment

Wouldn’t it feel great go home, knowing someone is eagerly waiting for you? This is what some sugar daddies feel. Some sugar daddies make sugar babies a part of their life and begin to stay with them. This allows them to experience a conventional relationship without being worried about making any kind of commitments. Sharing your personal space with someone is very different from hanging out with her once in a while or taking her out on a vacation.

What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia

A sugar relationship will work very well if you have a lot of disposable income. Sugar babies aren’t prostitutes, they are more like girlfriends who are willing to compromise on aspects of a normal relationship in return for money.

How have Sugar dating experience in Australia been like? We have interviewed lots of Australian sugar daddies. Here are some Australian sugar daddies reveal that what it's like to pay for companionship and what's like been an Australian sugar daddy.

Brilliant. Have a fantastic sugar baby. Have just had our 12-month anniversary. Helping her in her business venture. However, have a friend in the bowl who tells me it’s bloody awful from a lady's viewpoint.

My Australian sugar babies were sincere

Spent a few months on secondment in Sydney and thought I'd check out the local bar scene. Terrible!

I joined sugar dating sites and had a few pitching to be the "high-end" asking for a grand but ended up meeting two at a much more palatable rate. They were also sincere in the sugar relationship exchanges, and it was an enjoyable two months.

Melbourne, though, was different. Easier to pick up girls, get a good time, and have more fun all around!

There are some slight variations from state to state.

I feel like I know Aussies pretty well. What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia? There are some slight variations from state to state.

Sydney is comparable to Los Angeles - it's more expensive, people are more um, stereotypically good looking/fashionable and it's got a beachy vibe but it has the highest population of wealthy types, and also o says they have more competition there. Not sure what it's like for sugar babies but seems like you could ask for more ppm/allowance/gifts but Aussie men can be really stingy.

Melbourne is more like New York, it's darker, classier, more fashionable, and very multicultural (there is racism everywhere in the world but seems less so in the cities here) men here prefer ppm (usually low ball you, especially compared to the states) not very trusting and prefer to spend money on experiences like fine dining or showing off their gorgeous homes.

Queensland is fun, there are wealthy types there because they fly in from the mines and have the cash to burn but they're (on average) not as cultured or as wealthy as the other two cities. Most guys will want to meet you first for a drink/dinner and then a) try and get you to a hotel that night or b) ask you via text later what your expectations are.

Keep up with your screening

I have been in the bowl in Australia for 5 years. What it's like being a sugar daddy in Australia? It is pretty much the same in the U.S. It was pretty good when I first started and it has worsened as sugar relationship gone mainstream. Takes maybe 3 months to find a sugar baby each time after may be meeting 10+ potential sugar babies.

From what I can gather from previous sugar babies. Most of the messages they get are rude and just wanted free sex. Plenty would get intimate with no intention of giving an allowance.

I am happily in a sugar relationship now for 2 months. Sugar babies said that out of countless initial messages. She picks me only cause I talk to her like a normal person. That is how low the bar is set. Then I still wonder why it took me 3 months to land her.

My only advice for the new Australian sugar daddies is to keep up with your screening. If it is too good to be true, it often is. Unicorn exists on both sides and they get snatched up quickly. My sugar baby was off the market for 10 days cause she cannot handle the rude messages.

Where to look for a sugar date?

If you decide to find mutual benificial sugar relaitonship in Australia, there are two main routes to take. You can either seek a date offline, or you can go online. The easiest way to find your significant other is on special sugar daddy sites. The chances of meeting a reliable and trustworthy sugar daddy in Australia out in the streets are slim. At the same time, the range of sugar daddy dating websites available in Australia is growing by the day. Most of the globally known platforms are already available in the country. SugarDaddyMeet is one of the best sugar dating platform.

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!


Before making a sugar daddy an integral part of your life, it is worth noting that most sugar babies are gold diggers and true to their name, they aren’t looking for a long term relationship. It is advised to determine how genuine the person is before you start dating. While sugar relationships are temporary, they do have the potential of making a deep mark in case things go out of bounds.