Common Mistakes Sugar Babies Make & How to Avoid Them

When reading through sugar arrangement tips, it’s important not to make mistakes before getting involved in such a relationship.

You need to be careful when approaching your choice online.

sugar baby rules, common mistakes sugar baby

Keep in mind the following sugar baby rules to avoid sugar dating mistakes, which can be critical for you to succeed in sugar dating..

Don’t fall in love

Imagine that a man who is mature, rich, successful and knowledgeable treat you like a real lady. This man pays for everything you want when you are with him. This man opened a door to a brand-new world to you.

In this game, everyone knows the rules. There may be exceptions, of course, but like any other exceptions, they happen rarely.

How to avoid: Let yourself focus on the money. If you keep it strictly in your arrangement, you will get what you are looking for.

Don’t go to his place on the first date

Always meet a new sugar daddy in public. Choose a public place or let him invite you to a nice place. And always tell at least one friend where you are going. Safety must come first.

Don’t think that everyone will understand you

Sugar dating is not stigmatized as much as it was decades ago, but not all people like the idea of such a mutually beneficial relationship. Some people will understand you, and some won’t. However, you can always be a discreet sugar baby if you want to.

Expecting too much

You too want to live a good life, but do not expect your daddy to provide everything for you – from paying for your education to new Balenciaga bag.

Avoid sex issues

Some sugar babies want to get money without giving sugar. It’s possible. Judy has an SD who only contacted her online. She can receive 1000 dollars from her SD every month. But this relationship is rare.

Normally, there are two types of sugar dating having sex or not having. If you are not willing to have sexual contact with your POT, let them know immediately when you plan to meet. Otherwise, you will waste their time and money.

Let chance go away

Some girls hope their sugar daddy young, funny, attractive, generous and rich. Wake up! Most of the sugar daddies are between 36 to 55 years old. Most of them are serious. They are looking for relaxing.

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t set too high standard for your daddy. They are not your boyfriends.

Don’t give the bank account number to a stranger. We all know it. But when a girl meets a guy who has attractive photos and luxury shows online, it will affect the judge.

Since there are scammers and fake profiles on the net, we need to raise our attention on the issue.

All the Eggs Go in One Basket

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Cast a wide net and do not stop contacting, meeting, building up relationships with potential sugar daddies until you’ve found yourself a great arrangement.

A potential sugar daddy is just that: potential. No matter how promising he seems, do not abandon your search to pursue just one potential.

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Sugar baby rules

Rules that both sugar daddies and sugar babies should remember -

  • First rule is that there should always be rules
  • The rules of sex, kinds of sex should be set right in the beginning - ofcourse, can be modified after consent.
  • If one is doing a favor without the other asking for it, the other should not be obligated to return something for this favor.
  • Everything you do should be with both persons’ consent
  • Exit rules should be laid down - no stalking etc. after the break-up
  • The above rules should not be broken


Know more about sugar baby rules and what you can expect from it so that nothing will be done at random.

Know what you want in the first place and find someone who also knows what they want. Make sure that you agree with each other’s preferences before you take the next step.