2022 Best Sugar Daddy Sites & Apps in Australia

Looking for a sugar daddy or sugar baby for a mutually beneficial relationship in Australia? There are too many sugar daddy sites / apps on the internet. How do you know which one is the best for you?

We have test all the popular sugar daddy websites in Australia, including users size, prices, features, Here are the best 10 sugar daddy dating websites in Australia. Read reviews and find the best sugar dating site which is more likely to work for you!

#1: SugarDaddyMeet

best Australian sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet.com is a one of the biggest sugar daddy dating site for generous male sugar daddies and attractive female sugar babies seeking secret mutual benefits. It has been online for 14 years. There are more than 5.7 million members, most of them are from Australia, US.

Both sugar daddies and sugar babies can verify their profile for free. It is one of safetest sugar dating website in the world.

It is totally free for a trial membership. This incredible sugar website is worth using. Join Now! Read detailed review

#2: Seeking

best Australian sugar daddy website

Seeking Arrangement is another referenced sugar daddy site available. Unlike SugarDaddyMeet.com focus on Australia, US, Seeking boasts over 10 million users in over 130 countries.

There is a large possibility that you have heard of it. The website itself is very discreet and the Seeking team works tirelessly to protect its members from anything that might jeopardize physical or financial safety.

If you ARE looking for a "quick fix" to end your dry streak, you can find very hot "one-night stands" here. You might even be able to find a quality arrangement for a short-term mutually-beneficial relationship. Read detailed review

#3 SecretBenefits

best Australian sugar daddy website

SecretBenefits.com is one of the most popular and stylish sugar daddy dating websites. It has a modern and fresh look along with an easy-to-use interface which has encouraged millions of attractive and wealthy individuals to join and search for a positive sugar dating experience on the site.

Due to its popularity and stellar reputation among the site's members, there is a constant flow of new hopeful sugar daddies and sugar babies as well as a very active member base. Anyone can signup, create a profile, and search for free. Sugar babies can enjoy the site and its features for free.

If a sugar daddy finds a sugar baby of interest, they need to purchase credits to open a chat with them. There should be no lack of potential candidates among the millions of members as the gender ratio is about 50/50. Read detailed review

#4 SugarDaddyForMe

best Australian sugar daddy website

One among the many reasons why sugar daddies look for a sugar baby is to overcome the monotony they are engulfed with.

This is why lots of Australian sugar daddies prefer dating someone who is not only attractive but also fun to hang around with.

There are lots of businesspersons who visit Australia for a brief period of time. Online sugar dating sites give an ideal platform for people from across the globe to find a match in the most convenient and hassle free manner. Read detailed review

#5 WhatsYourPrice

best Australian sugar daddy website

Many Australian sugar daddies are a bit of needy, and they want someone to fulfill all their demands and attend to their all personal and sometimes also professional matters.

A sugar daddy wants his demands to be attended to. That is the reason why they want a sugar baby to be at their beck and call.

That's why sugar daddies require a companion who can lead their life, and if the contract says so, their sex life as well. This is where the job of sugar baby comes in; they need to be well managed in every arena of life so that to control someone else's needs as well. Read detailed review

#6 Established Men

best Australian sugar daddy website

A genuinely interested person would always be an enticing choice for a sugar baby. The super-rich and wealthy Australian sugar daddies prefer women who genuine affection towards them.

If you are faking your interest just for the sake of money or benefits, then it's high time you think about it. These Australia sugar daddies are an expert in checking out if you are lying through your relationship with them.

Sugar baby's work is to display honest relationship values even if it's for a brief time. Still, you should have a genuine interest in your daddy.

This measure would require you to be compatible and compassionate with your sugar daddy. It is like your job to display that you are really into the person and are interested in being their companion. Read detailed review

#7 Sugardaddie

best Australian sugar daddy website

Sugardaddie.com launched in 2002 and it was one of the first to deliver the concept of matching wealthy men with attractive women. Sugardaddie.com became one of the most well-known and recognized brands for sugar daddy and millionaire dating and has had over 5 million members to date.

This website get too transactional and lose the fun and the flair. Read detailed review

#8 MissTravel

best Australian sugar daddy website

Like to travel? Want to meet other singles with similar interests that want to see the world with you. MissTravel is an online dating site that connects singles with similar travel interests.

Misstravel provides a platform for these two complementary parties to meet, plan their travels and then have the time of their lives. Read detailed review

#9 SugarBook

best Australian sugar daddy website

Sugarbook is an online dating site that connects sugar babies to wealthy benefactors. It aims to be a platform where people can connect, meet and develop mutually beneficial relationships.

Sugarbook allows its users to find a girl and set a connection with her. Using this platform, you can meet and talk to a beautiful and smart young lady, and both a sugar daddy and his beloved one will benefit from this interaction. Read detailed review

#10 EliteSingles

best Australian sugar daddy website

Looking for high-quality, educated singles? Elite Singles claims to be a dating site catered toward singles who are more established in life, have higher levels of education or advanced training, and aren'tlooking to play games.

If you're a single who finds intelligence and success attractive, you're going to love Elite Singles.Read detailed review

What is sugar dating in Australia

On sugar dating website, both the man and girl in a sugar relationship reach their goals and benefit from mutual benificial relationship. Most popular sugar daddy websites in Australia give the notion of sugar dating as a form of a traditional relationship with a modern twist to it. This kind of relationshhip is based upon a mutually defined agreement where each partner has a role to play, and everyone gets what they look for. Each partner's goals and needs are transparent and well-defined from the very beginning.

The Advantages of Sugar Dating

If you've ever been bored or frustrated with your love life, or your ability to balance it with your professional goals and aspirations, consider the advantages of sugar baby dating. Here is the advantages of sugar dating.

No Strings Attached

A sugar relationship is different from a traditional relationship. Sugar daddies and sugar babies place outdated ideas about monogamy and responsibility aside. They are built on a foundation of understanding and mutual respect. As a result, you enjoy acceptance and patience from your partner that would be unheard of in a traditional relationship. You can find a sugar baby that suits your likes and preferences most since the variety of options in Australia.

Honesty and Transparency

Both sugar babies and sugar daddies been honest from the beginning about your expectations and your boundaries. There is no need to be anything but open with your partner, and this makes sugar dating relationships incredibly easy to maintain. There's no guess work about how to do that, either because you've discussed and agreed to it from the very start!

Upgraded lifestyle

Sugar babies can rely on their sugar daddies to provide them with the support that they desire. The benefits aren't purely short-term, either! Sugar dating can lead to an upgraded lifestyle in general, as well. The tutelage of a sugar daddy can give an upwardly mobile young professional a leg up in the business world, and the right sugar daddy can provide networking opportunities, invaluable expertise, and career mentorship that will set up his sugar baby for life!

Who are the Australia Sugar Daddies

A common Australia sugar daddy is a man, usually very wealthy, who wants to find himself a girl to spend leisure time with. He is rich and doesn't hide it. On the contrary, he can afford a lot and is ready to share it with a sugar baby.

Some successful Australian men may feel lone loneliness, they are seeking attention from sugar babies. While some sugar daddies prefer younger women for the power trip, a large section do so due to hidden trauma or complexes their brain has not yet processed.

Sugar Daddies are looking for a great partner to enjoy the best of life with them, transparently and splendidly. They doesn'twant to waste time with conventional relationships. The online sugar dating arena is filled with numerous sugar daddies and an even more extensive number of sugar babies. So, you have to join a sugar dating website like SugarDadadMeet and understand what are the dating habits of these men.

How much do sugar daddies pay in Australia?

How much do sugar babies make? One of the key factors that influence this income is the type of dates they have. When a girl who is in a new sugar relationship with a sugar daddy, she can expect to get a sugar baby allowance per visit. Sugar daddies pay a platonic sugar date $100-$300. Sugar daddiies pay a standard sugar date $300- $700 per date. A top sugar date may get $300-$1500.

Lots of sugar babiess get a monthly or sugar baby weekly allowance on a regular basis from their daddies. On average, sugar babies earn from $1,000 to $5,000 per month with the most common monthly allowance being $3,000.

Where can I find a sugar daddy in Australia?

Now you want to find a sugar daddy in Australia, there are two common ways to get a perfect sugar daddy. You can either seek a date offline, or you can go online sugar dating websites. The easiest way to find your sugar date is searching on special sugar daddy sites. The chances of getting a reliable sugar daddy in the streets are slim.

where find sugar daddy australia

Don't be shy, if a sugar daddy is what you're after, then you should join these online sugar dating platforms. These online sugar dating sites allow you to be clear about what you want, and to easily find other Australian sugar daddies who are looking for something similar.

Online sugar dating is a perfect spot for you to get started on your search. If you wnat to find your own sugar daddy and get gifts, trips, and cash in exchange for your free time, you may place you over there. These are several biggest sugar dating website who have plenty of affluent distinguished, and sexy men, looking for sugar babies like you.

What does a sugar baby have to do

You pick who to meet and make an arrangement with, you set your hours, you get cash to do with as you please. You're exchanging your time and companionship with your sugar daddy. You can do anything that you want to with your sugar daddy.

This means that both you and your sugar daddy may find an emotional connection between you two. You'll probably have fun time, and you'll most likely get to experience things you would never have otherwise. What does a sugar baby have to do?

what does a sugar baby have to do for Australia sugar daddies

  • You may spend time with your sugar daddy.
  • Let your sugar daddy is enjoying his time with you.
  • Treat your sugar daddy with respect
  • Know your sugar daddy's expectations, wants, and needs

What does a sugar baby have to do? You do not have to do ANYTHING that you don't want to. No matter what, you never are expected, required, or should be forced to do anything that you aren't comfortable with and don't want to do. There is no exception rule to this.

What are the perks of being a sugar daddy?

Why do men join sugar dating sites in Australia? The benefits of being a sugar daddy are numerous and we believe you will jump into this lifestyle as soon as you find out all the little secret benefits to sugar dating.

New adventure

If you haven't been involved in this type of mutual beneficial relationship before, the thrill of a new adventure is accelerating. It's like getting back to your 20s, and the feelings are truly indescribable.

Sugar babies are way easier to handle than other women in our surroundings and they are often very educated and elegant younger women who can be a great company even if you eliminate the sexual component of your relationship.

As a sugar daddy, you are in the honeymoon stage most of the time. You get treated well, you get lots of romantic evenings and you are seen as a savior of the women in distress and the facilitator of her better lifestyle.

Do not have the trouble of regular dating

A real relationships are a lot of work. Between the constant phone calls and regular Friday and Saturday night dates, a man involved with a woman is guaranteed to have little time to do other things. As a sugar daddy, a man can just put a woman up in accommodations, give her an allowance, and see her on his own terms. She would probably (in all honesty) be happy to have time to herself, and to do things with her much-younger friends.

Have a relationship on your own terms

Sugar daddy dating has one great benefit that makes men adore it and that is the fact that you have no obligations to your sugar baby. A sugar arrangment can predict how every day will go. You set a date, plan it, and the partner follows the plan with potential minor alterations that you agree upon.

A man's ego will be flattered

Having your emotional and sexual desires fulfilled is another benefit which we believe is the thing that makes most men enter sugaring in the first place. A sugar baby is there to please her sugar daddy. That's her part of the trade. He gives her money and material things, and she strokes his ego. She laughs at his jokes, holds onto his arm at high-profile functions and makes him look successful just by the virtue of being there.

Sugar daddy websites in Australia

Since the notion of sugar dating is so popular at the moment, it doesn’t take long to find what you seek. Read our reviews and pick several biggest sugar dating platform and start the adventure. In case you wonder what the most reliable sugar dating website is, countless happy users point to the website which have at least 15 years history as one of the best in the industry. However, it doesn’t mean that you should limit your search to a single platform.

Where do you look for an Australian sugar baby / sugar daddy?

If you decide to find a sugar baby or sugar daddy in Australia, there are two main routes. You can either seek a date offline or online. The easiest way to find your sugar partners is on special sugar daddy sites. The chances of meeting a reliable and trustworthy sugar daddy in Australia offline are slim. At the same time, the range of sugar daddy dating websites available in Australia is growing by the day. Most of the globally popular platforms are already available in Australia.

  1. Place an account on the best sugar sites
  2. Leave Your Emotional Problems Behind
  3. Search your sugar partners who suits or like you the most
  4. Acquaintance and communication.
  5. First sugar date
  6. Discuss about sugar arrangment
  7. Find other sugar partners

How to choose a best Australian Sugar Daddy site?

There are lots of sugar dating site for Australian sugar daddies or sugar babies connect together. It's hard for you to try all the sugar dating sites. to make sure that you are doing the right thing and using the high-quality website, it is vital to know some little details. Here is a list of things which are important for this 2022 best sugar dating site reviews.

The number of users base

The number of Australian sugar babadies is what makes the site good as well. If it is big, then your chances of finding your sugar babe are higher, that's why you would prefer a venue with many members, wouldn'tyou? The wider choice you have, the higher is the probability that you will use this exact sugar daddy site.

The interface

A good sugr dating website should be pleasant for your eyes so you can use it for a long time without getting irritated. It should be clear in its algorithms, so you don'tget in trouble during the communication process.

A good sugar daddy websites may has a Tinder-like system which you can mutual exchange of likes shows that you can form a couple and it is easier to start your conversation as you both definitely know that you are interested in each other.


Pricing is an important factor of buying a premium membership on a sguar dating site. A high-quality service costs something, and the amount of money you pay should be fair and reasonable.

You can compare the prices on different sugar dating sites to understand the average cost or a certain service to make your decision on what is more beneficial for you. Rember that it can include more than you expect from it and therefore have a higher price. Always pay attention to the whole package terms and ask questions to the support if you appear to have any.


Usually, the best sugar daddy websites consider the importance of keeping your information private. Some good sugar daddy provide private album for sugar daddies and sugar babies. A reliable sugar dating website will promise your data won'tbe delivered to the third parties. A really good site won'tlet you suffer, because it influences their reputation.

The benefits of reading a sugar daddy sites review

What is the best website to find a sugar daddy? Why it is helpful to read a sugar daddy dating site review before place a account ? When picking a site for sugar dating, you need to know that everything will be safe and anonymous since these 2 main aspects determine the success of your sugar adventure. Find out about the real benefits of using sugar daddy dating site reviews.

When you only start looking for a good sugar dating site, it is important to know how popular it is. A good reputation of the sugar dating website can guarantee the quality of service and the good result. The more positive reviews and success stories you find, the more likely you are to trust this particular site.

Finding a right site

Pick a proper site is vital in sugar dating. Here, you need to consider 2 factors:

  • Narrow down your options so that you can avoid using some new and bad site where you can be scammed.
  • The prices might vary from one sugar dating site to another. Our review will help you find a site that's more suitable for you.

Saving your time and money

Some sugar dating websites use credit systems. Some sugar dating websites us monthly fee and package terms with big discount. Instead of trying everything on your own, you just get the help of reviews.

Lots of sugar dating websites have pros and cons. Sugar daddy sites reviews shed light on specific aspects of the site. You can save your times on the wrong sugar dating websites.

Avoiding catfishing

Catfishing is a more professional term for scammers who approach stealing your money and deceiving you more smartly than simple scam profiles. The best sugar dating website have a real customer team to supervise the scammers. Some bad sugar daddy websites do not have real human to work on this.

Sugar daddy websites or apps?

For some new sugar daddies interested in finding an Australia sugar babies, it's hard to know difference between using a mobile version sugar dating website or using sugar dating app. Google and Apple have blocked all the sugar dating apps and you can not find a sugar dating apps anymore.

Are there any free sugar daddy sites?

The sugar daddy websites in our list are totally 100% free to place a profile. Some websites need a premium membership for some advanced options. A large percentages of sugar dating websites are completely free for sugar babies espeically for college sugar babies.

If you subscribe a long-term package, it just cost about $10 per month. A totally free sugar dating website can not survive longer than 3 years. The member base of free sugar dating website is very small and your safety is another problem with free sugar dating website.