What is like using a sugar daddy website

‘Sugar dating’, or ‘sugaring’, is where a sugar baby receives gifts or financial benefits in exchange for companionship.

With the promise of connections and financial aid, many Australian women are turning to sugar dating sites to help fund their university experience.

What is like using a sugar daddy website? We have interviewed lots of current sugar babies. Here are some experience from real sugar babies.

No photos sugar daddies

What is like using a sugar daddy website? You will find lots of no photos sugar daddies. While it may seem scary to try to contact someone who doesn't provide a photo, it is often because he is established in the community or well-known, and so wants to maintain his privacy. Be prepared that this man might not provide a photo at all for these reasons. Just make sure you meet in a very public place to keep yourself safe.

The Married Man

There are many sugar daddies who are married on sugar dating websites. They are looking for someone to provide companionship, and typically have no desire to replace their wives. Instead, they're looking for someone who will act as a distraction from his boring, daily life. You might be surprised by how many married sugar daddies don't even want sex!

What is like using a sugar daddy website

For a 25-year-old Melbourne-based women and hospitality worker Jenny, it was a chance encounter on a sugar dating website that first tempted her to enter the sugaring world.

She signed up for the sugar daddy website SugarDaddMeet. Like many other sugar dating sites, it promises a secure and confidential service.

Since ‘sugaring’ is considered sex work, Australia’s laws prevent sugar babies from advertising their fees on meet-up sites. SugarDaddyMeet insists it is “not a service, but a dating site” and warns “escorts” against joining the site.

“Technically you’re not allowed to solicit – you’re not allowed to say it’s $300 for a date on the website,”

“This guy had a bio saying ‘I’m a really successful finance person, I don’t have time for a normal relationship, but if you’re the right girl I’ll spoil you,”

“So I swiped right, and we chatted.”

The interaction prompted her to browse sugar baby forums and read accounts of other women’s experiences. While money was an incentive, Jenny says she was also motivated by the desire to “be wild and try something new”.

“What people generally do is get a feel for each other through the website, and then use [a private messaging service such as] WhatsApp or kik.

“You get hundreds of messages, and you may respond to 10 percent of that, and you may meet 1 percent of that,” she says.

Jenny avoided younger men – “they’re sexed-up dogs” – and instead chose to interact with a handful of men aged between 40 and 60.

The “serious” sugar daddies are “not looking for just sex”, but rather for “someone that makes them feel special”.

“A lot of them are older men whose sex lives have dried up. They don’t want to leave their families and they have wives that they still respect, but are just not excited by or inspired by,” she says.

Jenny spent four months as a sugar baby, during which time she went on first dates with about 10 men, only two of which resulted in ongoing relationships.

Those relationships were characterized by dinners at top restaurants and “sexy sleepovers” at five-star hotels.

They were also “very lucrative”, Jenny says, with financial remuneration of about $400 to $600 a date, plus gifts. While she has no regrets about her time as a sugar baby.

What is it like using a sugar site

I am a sugar daddy with around five years of dating experience. What is it like? Well, its a learning experience for sure.

It takes time, effort and patience to be on the sugar dating websites. For every 20 sugar babies I talk to, I might find one that actually wants to meet in person.

The rest are scammers, online only, just seeking attention, or quickly cancel their profiles. Many will respond a few times and then go silent.

Consistent communication is a major issue. Life is not easy for any of us.

How to get attention on a sugar dating site?

To get more attention from Australian sugar addies, you may post some hot pictures. Verifying your profile and enhancing it to attract more attention from other users!

Depends on the website you use. Lots of sugar websites allows a lot of information on your profile. So it’s best to not leave anything empty

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!


Being a Sugar Baby has many perks, but it also has its fair share of challenges. If you strive to be the ideal Sugar Baby, the above tips that can help you find success.

Know what you want in the first place and find someone who also knows what they want. Make sure that you agree with each other’s preferences before you take the next step.