What's it like being a sugar baby?

You may want to want to explore the sugar bowl and you do not know what's it like being a sugar baby in Austrlia. You may heard stories from your friends or a YouTuber. You are not laone. Some major sugar websites like SugarDaddyMeet has 500,000 sugar babies, 188,000 sugar daddies in Australia.

What does it feel like to have a sugar daddy? What's it like being a sugar baby in Australia? We would like would make storytimes about sugaring and it was always interesting to new sugar babies, and lots of potential sugar babies want to see what it is about a sugar relationship.

>What's it like being a sugar baby, What does it feel like to have a sugar daddy

To learn more about what it’s like to be a sugar baby, we talked to lots of sugar babies who currently do it.

What's it like being a sugar baby?

Is it fun to be a sugar baby? Being a sugar baby can be incredibly fun if you actually enjoy the man you are dating with. Some successful aussie sugar babies have been offered cars, lots of nice trips, designer bags and get to eat at beautiful restaurants that they would not have been able to afford on their own.

>What's it like being a sugar baby, What does it feel like to have a sugar daddy, nice trip

No worry about your financial problems

A sugar daddy would take care of your financial commitments, which means you wouldn'thave to worry about your tuition or bills. In addition, you wouldn'teven have to remind him to pay your bills, for he will have them covered. Sugar daddies seldom pay their sugar babies in cash as they prefer to cater to the essentials.

Extravagant experience

Sharing your space with a sugar daddy is an experience in itself. There is no doubt about the fact that sugar daddies have a lavish lifestyle and accommodating a sugar baby wouldn'tmake a huge difference to it. Once you become a sugar baby of a billionaire, expect to zoom around the town in his luxurious saloon, attend yacht parties and fly to any part of the world in his private plane. Isn'tthat an amazing life?

Have A mentor

It goes without saying that very few women are as fortunate to connect with influential men who have made their mark in the society for multitudinous reasons. When you date a sugar daddy, you’re get to know about his struggles better than anyone else would ever know. Furthermore, you could take cues from his failures and bad decisions of the past and make sure you don'tdo the same. On the other hand, if you’re seeking angel funding for a start-up, he would certainly be of some help to you.

Becoming a sugar baby or finding one online in Australia can be safe, easy, and fulfilling. Let's view a true stoy!

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!

Being associated with a wealthy and influential person is a big achievement in itself. However, it is worth mentioning that rich men are very specific about whom they wish to connect with. They often look for certain characteristics in the woman they hang out with, regardless of whether they’re looking to get married or get into a mutually beneficial relationship.

What's it like being a sugar baby? Girls within these relationships have clear goals in life, such as wanting to live a better lifestyle or maybe starting to pay off school debt or personal bills. We have interviewed lots of real Australian sugar babies and they shared with us about their own stories about what's it like being a sugar baby.

I will share my experience as an Australian sugar baby. I have been a sugar-baby to 3 men so far and each one of them has been very interesting an satisfying. Apologies in advance for the slightly longish response.

My first sugar-baby experience was when I was 17. I had moved out of my house recently and moved into a house with 3 room-mates. (Lets call him) Mr. A was a rich widowed neighbor. Ever since I had moved in, my room-mates had been telling me about this guy who was extremely handsome, very wealthy and lived alone. He had a daughter who was married in Houston. I had gotten to know he was around 48 years old. The first time I saw him was when we were entering our respective houses at the same time. We just waved a “hi” to each other and introduced ourselves. The next time was when he was standing outside my house, in a open top shiny black Audi, and asked me if he could drop me to my college. Mr. A was handsome, I was sexually active and I was open to seeing where this goes - so I said, yes. Soon enough, I moved out of my existing house and moved in with him. We had our rules set right in the beginning, that sex was a part of the plan but not without each other’s consent. We are open to lead our own lives (also romantic interests) outside of the sugar-daddy relationship. There was only one rule - not wearing any clothes while in the house. We had a wonderful relationship for close to 18 months, before Mr. A had to move out to another city. We had some really satisfying sex.

Second was when I was 21 years old and I was at the University of Berkeley. Mr. B was an alumni working in a top tech company in Silicon Valley. He had come to visit our campus one day and we got talking and that led to some texting and soon sexting. I was in a relationship with a guy in college at that time but that didn'tseem to bother Mr. B. The drive from his house to my campus was an hour long and he would pop into the campus to meet me late in the night after work. He was 51 and married though he looked like he was in his late 30s. When Mr. B’s wife had to move to Melbourne for a 1 year project, we soon had an arrangement where I moved into a house near the campus - the rent for which he paid. I broke up with my boyfriend and Mr. B came and stayed with me. He would drive to work everyday and we lived together till his wife came back. He would shower me with whatever I wanted (though I didnt exploit him) and he was sexually extremely active including some unusual sex. I tried my first anal with him and he tried his first golden showers with me. He was basically looking for the kind of sex that he wasn'tgetting from his wife.

Third lasted from age 25 - 29. I had moved back to New York City and had gotten my first job in Manhattan. I hated the New York traffic and was staying very close to Times Square. My boss had started fancying me. He was 38 and not married. And he stayed in a penthouse very close to my apartment. Soon enough, I moved in with him. My arrangement was clear - I would never want any professional favors from him. Personally, I would do anything with consent. We both went on some amazing exotic international vacations. I has some of my life’s most amazing sex with him - almost 4 - 5 times every week for those 4 years - except when I was on my periods. We were also into swapping and orgies which we both enjoyed. Unfortunately, he soon started doing drugs and I left him when he had to move into a de-addiction center.

Being a sugar baby can be incredibly fun if you actually enjoy the man you are dealing with. I have been offered cars, before. Iv taken a trip to Ibiza, own 3 designer bags and get to eat at beautiful restaurants that I otherwise woulsnt have been able to afford on my own.

People stare, however its very common if youre in Beverly Hills (or other mega wealthy areas) and its not a problem. You can get some money in the beginning but ultimately you will have to become intimate with the man to get thousands regularly.

Sugar dating will ruin traditional dating for you, personally I am 22 and have only been doing this for a few months but I cant see myself being with a regular guy again and being content with a man who isnt paying my bills.

For me it was a lot of fun! Well, not really at first because of the mechanics of the relationship. He pays tuition and I fly to New York with him for the weekend.

I admit I was quite uncomfortable the first few times being with him. He was my first older (over twice my age) man, and what he was doing to me was (in my mind) payment for him paying my tuition.

After the first few times (actually 5–6 times), he took me to a nice dinner and ended our deal. I was shattered, but his reason was because I was tense and wasn't enjoying our intimacy which in turn wasn't allowing him to really enjoy it.

We decided to try another month and with a few slight changes and adjustments, I learned to enjoy it. After 6 months I was initiating intimacy and he was getting off of his cards more and more. After a year I had a new car and was carrying two of his credit cards!

It is fun to be a sugar baby for me. It is what you make it.

There are levels to this lifestyle first and foremost. I was with one sugar daddy for 7 years and he spent more than a half a million on me in that time.

Multiple trips each year, multiple foreign cars, never said no to anything I asked. He paid every bill and in return I gave him one hell of a girlfriend experience.

Then he fell in love. You can'tbuy happiness and or love and material things wont change the way someone really feels about you in the long run.

It’s great being a sugar baby until one of the parties decides to step out of the fantasy. Reality is, it’s s job and like any job you’re bound to get sick of it.

It as very nice experience to have a sugar daddy for me. I was looking for some stability in my income, so I tried being a sugar baby and it turned out to be fun.

My experience has been amazing. I have only been doing this for eight months, but everyone I’ve met is so kind, respectful and polite.

They really care about if you’re enjoying yourself. older men know how to treat me well and what will give you the best pleasure in every stuffs, I have never had a guy my age treat me like this.

It isn'tjust about the money when you really become someone’s sugar baby. You spend time with them, they take you on vacations and shower you with presents.

I am a college student and I tried with around 6 men all were 32 above and they all were best, all treated me best way and I had some of my best sex experiences with some of them.

There was some weird pervs who try to pay and try to push you to your boundaries, this just happened once, then I got cautious and after that all were best.

I wasn'tthe hooker kind. Which is what most people confuse sugar baby to be. I had one sugar daddy and he took care of my every need during my college years!

In return I did all of the things that his wife didn'twant to do anymore. Such as going on business trips and weekend getaways, shopping, seeing broadway shows and so much more!

I highly recommend it, if it’s a real SB/SD relationship!

y best friend was a sugar baby for 5 years. She got 100k annually paid in travellers checks and then a US account set up in a bank card so she could buy clothes, and pay for all medical (special vaccines were needed for some trips)and dental needs. He also set her up in a flash 2 bedroom apartment in the Viaduct Auckland.

Sugar daddy bought sugar baby flights to meet up with him all over the world every 6 weeks. They went to Alaska in Summer, and Hawaii in Winter. And Africa, and Tahiti, and just about every state in America.

He loved his wife but he was bored at home. I met with my friend and SD for meals sometimes, and I’d grill him about his marriage. His wife couldn'ttravel for health reasons, and he was a travel addict!

Every holiday, she’d come home with more jewellery and travellers checks.

I traveled with them (and he got me a separate room when we were in New Zealand). He was a nice guy with a need to be flashy and show off his wealth to strangers.

Sugar daddies explain experience being a sugar daddy

I have been a sugar daddy for many years. Having a sugar baby is like having a girlfriend, except you don'thave to meet her parents and is a bit more expensive to maintain than a normal girlfriend, but cheaper than a wife.

With a good match, it is really great. My sugar babies have loved it too. One graduated from college with no debt thanks to me. One became a lawyer thanks to me. I got two of them career jobs through my connections. And it is so much fun!

I have been a sugar daddy in Victoria Australia , over about 3 /4 years. For me, firstly I just meet , I will never ever make a payment of an initial “ meet “ other than paying for the night , but all knew this prior to starting.

From there, sometimes we meet even more than once , I like to let the girl instigate this action if she feels its good . Ive got to say , I met some incredible young women.

We have some great times , too many experiences to go though them all , but seriously some nights Id just leave saying “ How good was that ? “ and people go to night clubs ? WOW , we had some great times.

I was about 55 years old at the time , Im in good shape and I always said I was 50 years , I was seriously super busy , Id use Friday or an evening as my meetings day , and we’d always meet in Melbourne CBD on Southbank.

One of the most stunning girls Id ever seen , way way better than her picture on the site ( which was still great ) and here we are passionately kissing at the walkbridge , with her hips trust into my crouth just to remember a lasting moment , she was just back from USA .

Sugar babies explain average date

Has anyone had any experience being a sugar baby? There are lots of girls have been with a sugar daddy. Here are some stories.

A typical date would involve dinner and drinks in a bougie establishment. The sugar daddy would also give me the agreed amount of cash.

We’d chat and of course eat and drink and if things went well, it would end in the hotel room.

Well, every date is different for me. It can vary from dinners to walks to even a Skype call.

2022 best sugar website have most reliabe Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!


Sugaring is like anything else in life, every experience is unique. For most sugar relationships, there is one similar fact, the women are younger and more attractive than the men but the men have more means to provide for the dreams of the women.

A sugar daddy has more means and a sugar baby is more youthful and attractive. Both people willingly give and take what they want from the relationship.