What makes a man want to be a sugar daddy?

According to recent news reports, there are over 15,000 Australian men looking for love online - and there are plenty of Australian rich men are looking for a sugar babies. Thousands of new sugar daddies join the top online sugar dating sites every day.

Why do men go sugar dating Australia? Why would a man want to be a sugar daddy? You may wonder why someone would want to pay for another person, or how a woman can trust someone for money.

Why do sugar daddies exist? Why would a man want to be a sugar daddy? What do sugar daddies want?

Say the words “sugar daddy” and chances are, the first image that springs to mind is of a successful, suavely dressed middle-aged man with an unquenchable thirst for 20-somethings, and an unlimited bank balance to spoil them in exchange for time, companionship and/or sex.

Why do sugar daddies exist? Sugar daddies have been around for centuries. Even today, sugar daddies help the young and the broke to enhance their lifestyles. In fact, thanks to the financial backlash and rising unemployment driven by the pandemic, sugar daddies have become a means of escape and assistance for young people across the world.

Why more young guys are embracing the sugar daddy life? What makes a man want to be a sugar daddy? What do sugar daddies want? Well, the situations differ from one sugar daddy to another sugar daddy, and it is hard to predict it in each separate case, but let’s try to highlight the main tendencies about why a man want to be a sugar daddy.

Meeting the most amazing hot young women

What makes a man want to be a sugar daddy? As a Australian sugar daddy, they can meet the most amazing women on Earth. That’s because one of the significant advantages of being in a Sugar relationship is getting to meet loads of amazing women, who are also looking for a partner, someone who will establish a convenient agreement that suits both of their needs.

There are lots of Australian sugar daddies are not interested in getting married or serious with people that don'tjust fit the bill for a life partner. Many young Australian women embedded in the sugar lifestyle are college-age women 18–29 either in undergraduate or graduate school. School is expensive and the “easy money” of the sugar lifestyle is a viable alternative to working 2 jobs and going to school. Most of these college sugar babies are well educated and hard working.

So, in the absence of finding that, they choose to be a sugar daddy. Here is the reason of one sugar daddy.

I’m rather wealthy earning around 4mm per year and have around 35mm in assets, although my profile states earnings of 500k and assets of 5mm. I’ve worked most of my adult life, but now I can do what I want, when I want.

I can date women my age any time I want so why don'tI? Well, I would if I met the right person. I always like to say that any woman that could attract my attention would probably not be single and I believe that to be true.

I don'twant or expect someone in their 40’s to look 20, but they should be attractive, in shape and dress nice and they should be light hearted, intelligent and like to have fun. I believe I’m all of those things.

So, in the absence of finding that, until I do, I’d prefer to stay single rather than enter into a multitude of short term relationships in order to have sexual fun where I always have to explain that I’m not interested in getting married or serious with people that don'tjust fit the bill for a life partner.

See life in a shiner way

Why would a man want to be a sugar daddy? Lots of Australian sugar daddies are tired of their work routine and compromises, getting in contact with younger women may be a life-changing effort to see life in a shiner way.

A transparent and honest relationship

Sugar daddies know how stressful their day-to-day is. They want to get rid of everything that brings them routine back to their memory.

That is the convenient side of Sugar relationships. Sugar daddies don'thave to be stressed out by exaggerated expectations, nor suffer the disappointments of dishonesty and lack of transparency.

By becoming a Sugar Daddy, you will have a perfect arrangement with your Sugar Baby, and both will know what to expect from each other.

Sugar dating is the sole type of involvement when you can predict how every day will go. Set a date, plan it, and the partner follows the plan with potential minor alterations that you agree upon.

This is the best of each world!

A genuine feeling that you’re helping someone’s future

Jack, 42-year-old management consultant from Adelaide, Australia, who’s been a sugar daddy for four years.

He told us that a lot of the girls they have been with have been brought up by single moms, and need the financial support.

"As a sugar daddy, I feel feel like the money I’m putting into it isn'twasted because someone’s using it to put food on their table, while genuinely wanting to be with me.”

"I’d much rather my money go to somebody who appreciates me as opposed to blowing it all at a strip club." where the women are usually trying to hustle you instead of building a connection.”

For him, the attraction of being a benefactor is rooted in feeling good about helping someone.

Sugar Daddy Explains Why They Dates Sugar Babies

Why do some people become a sugar daddy? You may wonder why someone would want to pay for another person, or how a woman can trust someone for money. What makes someone become a sugar daddy? We have interviewed two real sugar daddies. They explains why they become a sugar daddy.

I'm a 'sugar daddy' who has been dating the same 'sugar baby' for 3 years. To me, sugar dating is more like an arranged temporary marriage where you do your own arranging.

Around my late 30s/early 40s, my bar and club frequency was pretty much over and done with. I’d always been more attracted to young girls than me.

So I started responding to and placing ads on the sugar websites. Back then, the Sugar daddy website was an easy way to meet younger, hot girls without going out and staying out late.

I was looking for companionship and they were looking for cash, so it was a win-win.”

I was married to a woman for about 20 years. I ended up cheating on her with a younger woman. I realize I’m that cliche.

Since then, I’ve never attempted to marry. I’ve simply had younger women whose company I enjoy.”

"I’ll give a small allowance, somewhere between $1,000 and $3,000 a month, but not at first. At first, it’s more dinners and entertainment. I’ll take them shopping and buy them whatever they want (within reason). Trips, too.”

I’m aware these women wouldn'tbe with me if I wasn'tgiving them money. Nevertheless, I do want them to enjoy their time with me, and to still like me, at least to some degree. There’s a mental balance every sugar daddy should have.”

Why would someone like me pay for a sugar baby? Because with a sugar dating, all expectations are out in the open. There’s no need to lie or to manipulate. Both people know it’s temporary and both people are getting what they want out of it.

For me, it allows me to maintain a sexual life without having to manipulate or lie to anyone about my long term intentions in order to achieve that.

Most single women in their 40’s are looking for a husband. If I meet one that is right, I’ll certainly never have a sugar baby again. But I don'twant have to choose between manipulation and celibacy until I do.

And because, while 50k a year is huge to a sugar baby, it might be hard to imagine, but it’s pretty much nothing to me.

I would say, I wish there were more beautiful older sugar babies because I’d rather one at least in their 30’s but it is what it is and most of the more beautiful sugar babies are in their early 20’s.

For me, unless and until I meet someone I have serious interest in, a sugar baby is absolutely perfect.

2022 best sugar website have most Australian sugar daddies

best Australia sugar daddy website

SugarDaddyMeet have been online over 15 years, SugarDaddyMeet has been providing a reliable and safe platform for rich Sugar Daddies to find relationships with younger women. It has gained almost 2 million sugar daddies and sugar babies.

It take just less than 3 minutes to place a profile. Find the ideal sugar baby that treat you well that you like. Place a profile and meet nearby sugar daddies over there now!


Men may become a sugar daddy owe to a variety of other factors. Such as higher divorce rates amongst the older generations, an ageing wealthy male population and internet make it easier to connet sugar babies and sugar daddies.

For Australian girls, there are plenty of sugar daddies around them. So the numbers of young women deciding to become sugar babies in Australia (especially around university age are very popular.

As more and more university students are turning to wealthy sugar daddies to help pay for their education and lifestyle) is definitely on the increase, and has been the subject or recent heated debate in the Australian media..