How much should Australian sugar daddies pay a sugar baby?

People who have heard about sugar dating at least once know that sugar babies are paid. Sooner or later there comes the time in a sugar relationship where numbers have to be discussed.As an Australian sugar daddy, you may have the question about how much allowance do sugar babies get?

How much to pay sugar baby? Figuring out the sugar baby allowance is a complex matter that should be taken seriously by both the sugar daddy and the sugar baby.

There are countless amounts of factors that go into the decision-making process, as the money in question can range from a mere few hundred dollars to tens of thousands.

Are you ready to pay a sugar baby?

When handling a sugar baby, the first thing you need to do is to set priorities. Is spending time with a lady is a most important thing for you, the top investment?

If not, better keep your money for something more perspective like a business, real estate or securities.

How much time do you want her to be with you?

The cost of a sugar baby highly depends on the amount of her time she is ready to dedicate to you. Ask both yourself and her whether she is going to share with you most of her time or she is going to be only a side entertainer for you.

How often is your sugar baby expected to meet you? Depending on how much time she will be investing into you, the more she can count on. Anything that can be considered long-time commitment and involves spending nights or weekends together is expected to be paid for by a larger sum of cash in comparison to regular single night dates.

Apparently, the more you need her to be with you, the more you will have to offer her. There are opportunities to pay per meet, per week or per month. So you both should decide which kind of sugar arrangeent is better for you.

As a sugar daddy, note that there are different sugar date types.

  • Sugar dates: The date implies a good old dinner in a fancy restaurant, with some fair share of talking and potentially a steamy night after being involved.
  • Shopping dates: Surely, the name speaks for itself.
  • Out-of-town dates: There are countless country clubs to explore in any area. Besides, you can always head out of the country.
  • Business trips: Some sugar daddies may establish a sugar baby weekly allowance depending upon the number of trips. Some daddies look for a baby to fulfill the role of a trip companion solely.

Once you end up with a sugar baby in Australia, you may be clear about how often you should meet. The primary thing to keep in mind is the fact that an average sugar baby allowance may directly depend upon the number of dates you share.

Some sugar daddies choose to meet no more than 2 times a month, while others prefer to go on dates at least twice a week.

Average sugar baby allowance in Australia

How much allowance do Australian sugar babies get? People say they “earn a lot”, but what is the actual sugar baby allowance range?

Most Australian sugar babies can earn an allowance of between $1,000-$5,000 per month, per partnership in Australia, depending on the level of time investment required.

Yes, the gap is huge, but only a small percentage of Australian sugar babies actually get 5 thousand dollars a month.

The average Australian sugar baby allowance is $2,000-$2,500—most sugar babies ask for this amount.

Sugar baby allowance calculator Australia

How much allowance do sugar babies get? Lots of sugar daddies want to know Sugar baby allowance calculator Australia.

In short, a sugar baby can get $200-600 per date or one thousand dollars to fiave thousands dollars(monthly sugar baby allowance). What determines and affects the price?

There is also a sugar baby allowance per visit also known as PPM—pay per meet. Some ladies also prefer to get gifts instead of money and travel with their sugar babies, and that’s totally acceptable and even appreciated by some sugar daddies.

Payments for sugar dates are normal when a sugar baby asks for payment on the first date. Why should sugar daddies agree to pay per meet? For a sugar baby, it’s just safer, especially if she meets a new sugar daddy.

Lots of Australian sugar babies have no guarantee that they both will like each other and start a sugar relationship, which is why she can’t be sure that she isn’t wasting her time.

For sugar daddies, it’s beneficial because if they don’t want to meet a sugar baby too often, they don’t have to pay the average allowance, which starts from $1,000 per month.

What's the sugar baby ppm rate? Most Australian sugar babies may ask for $200-$300 per date. PPM will be better for the Australian sugar daddies if they want to pay for fancy dinners.

If an Australia sugar daddy and his sugar baby all are looking for for a long-term relationship, they can cloose monthly allowance. A sugar relationship is a mutually beneficial relationship, and allowance can be beneficial for a sugar daddy and a sugar baby if:

  • Both the sugar daddy and his sugar baby are looking for a long-term relationship
  • Both seek stability
  • Both like each other and are sure that the next date won’t be the last date
  • A sugar baby wants a sugar daddy to pay bills (rent, college bills, in particular, full tuition, etc.).

Note that there are also variations of both mentioned types of payment. In fact, every sugar couple decides what exactly will work for both of them. What type of payment will work better in your case? Here are some useful tips.

  • Choose pay per meet if you are dating a few sugar babies.
  • Choose choose a monthly allowance if you find an ideal sugar date and want to start a lasting relationship.
  • If you just want to spend a week or two with a girl, you may discuss about weekly payments.

What other factors affects the price?

The type of relationship is undoubtedly the essential factor, but there are plenty of other things that affect the amount a daddy pays per date or the size of allowance.

If you’re seeking arrangements and try to set sugar baby monthly allowance or sugar baby ppm rate, consider the following factors, these factors may affect your sugar baby fee.

  • Exclusive: Is your sugar baby allowed to date other men or is she exclusively tied to you? Typically, exclusive rights are followed by a bigger allowance.
  • Sugar baby’s profession and level of education: The more educated she is, the higher the price.
  • Travel: If the sugar baby is expected to travel somewhere or dress up in clothes she will have to shop for, it is safe to take these expenses into account and add them up to the allowance.
  • Sugar baby’s appearance: Of course, ladies who look like top models want sugar daddies to pay more.
  • Location: For example, if you’re living in Sydney or Melbourne, an average allowance will be higher than in a small city.
  • Age: On sugar websites, you can meet older and younger dates. Younger SBs usually earn more than older ones.
  • Distance: If a sugar baby lives far away from a sugar daddy, he’ll need to compensate transport costs, too.
  • Specific preferences: If an Australian sugar daddy is looking for something special, not typically associated with standard sugar dating, the price may be higher.
  • Intimate: It is no secret that sugar daddies resort to services of sugar babies for intimate reasons. When it comes to rewarding, the rule here is obvious – the more you want, the more you will have to give. And it’s not about quantity only, but about the quality too – is she ready for experiments? That’s it..

How much does the sugar baby want?

No, sugar babies are not the same, they all want something specific, have different motivations and goals in life, so what is most important is that they know what they want and need right from the very beginning.

A great place to start the sugar baby allowance calculations is to count how much the sugar baby needs to live comfortably. This usually includes the rent, certain bills, and living expenses like food and money for going out occasionally.

On top of that, it is wise to add the expected costs for material comforts such as clothing as well as a few extra bucks that will be saved for the future.


Figuring out the sugar baby allowance is a complex matter that should be taken seriously by both the sugar daddy and the sugar baby. There are countless amounts of factors that go into the decision-making process, as the money in question can range from a mere few hundred dollars to tens of thousands.

Appearance, age, and personality all play critical roles in this process, and it is common for some sugar babies to put themselves on pedestals high above other options without legitimate reasons.

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